A Recap of ‘The Acolyte’ Episodes 7 & 8

Written by Michael Lee

*All Media used in this article is courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd. & Disney

Video Courtesy: Walt Disney Pictures

‘The Acolyte’ Episode 7 Recap: “Choice

Sixteen years earlier, on the planet Brendock; Sol, Torbin, Kelnacca, and Indara are collecting samples of planetary flora and fauna, surveying the planet for research to report back to the Jedi Council. They are investigating a potential vergence in the Force, one that could potentially create life. The investigation has been a large undertaking for the Jedi, as they’ve been on Brendock for seven weeks with nothing to show for it. Torbin is upset at their lack of progress but his Master, Indara, informs him that this planet was categorized as lifeless due to a hyperspace disaster yet Brendock is somehow thriving. Torbin expresses his distaste for the mission but Sol reminds him of the vergence and its importance to the Jedi, to which Kelnacca agrees with a mighty, yet timid roar.

Sometime later, Sol stumbles across the tree to which we’ve seen Mae and Osha under before. It is revealed that the scene has played out the same as we’ve seen it from Mae and Osha’s perspective in Episode 3, but this time with Sol watching. Again, Mae and Osha are fighting over the insect they’ve captured, with their bickering directly in Sol’s view. Sol is surprised, as they have believed this planet to be uninhabited, so Sol immediately contacts Indara over his commlink. Sol follows Mae and Osha, being led back to their coven by Mother Koril. Sol scales the wall of their encampment, now having a full view of Mae, Osha, Mother Aniseya and the rest of the coven, again witnessing scenes we’ve already seen play out, this time however, from the Jedi’s perspective. Sol sees members of the coven worshiping a massive crater built into the cliff as he watches on, carefully.

Back at the Jedi’s camp, Indara and Sol discuss his findings. They are not Nightsisters of Dathomir, of this Indarra is sure, but a different kind of Force witch, something they do not immediately understand. Sol informs them they are making two young girls, Osha and Mae, perform some sort of ritual ceremony. Indara wishes to inform the High Council for guidance, but Sol begs her to see for herself what he’s seen.

The group of Jedi arrive at the coven’s gate, with Kelnacca hotwiring the gate in order for the Jedi to gain access. Indara wishes to go alone, but Torbin and Sol convince her it’s better to go as a group. We see the Jedi meet with the Witches once again, but again from the perspective of the Jedi. Though we see Mother Aniseya haunt Torbin, worming her way around his head, promising that she can help him escape this planet. She sees the weakness in Torbin and attempts to exploit it but Torbin manages to shake her grip upon him. Mother Aniseya excuses the Jedi and they go back to their ship, again to test Osha and Mae.

Sol tells Indara that he believes Osha is meant to be his Padawan, that it is destined to be. Sol argues that Osha must be trained as a Jedi, but Indara refuses, citing that she is too old to undergo the Jedi trials. Torbin brings Mae aboard, asking to test her blood, likely to gauge her Midacholorian count. Indara gives Mae the test, but Mae purposefully fails. Indara asks Mae about their Ascension ritual, with Mae saying that she and Osha will eventually lead their coven. They excuse Mae, but Sol begs Indara to try a different approach with Osha. Osha informs the Jedi of her wish to join them, but Indara isn’t entirely sure.

Indara sends the bloodwork of the twins to the Jedi High Council and awaits their further instruction, advising Torbin, Sol, and Kelnacca to return to their field studies while she waits. Sol informs Indara that Osha passed the test, but informs Sol to await the Council.

Later, Sol senses that something is amiss and Indara reveals that the Council denies both Mae and Osha to join the Jedi. Sol attempts to argue with Indara, but Indarra is firm. Torbin arrives with the blood analysis of the twins, claiming they have an extremely high Midochlorian count. But the two share the same symbionts are the same, which would not be the case if they were truly twins. He argues that even identical twins would have different symbionts. They agree that they are artificially created with a single consciousness split into two bodies, with Sol arguing they are the vergence they have been seeking. Torbin hears enough, as he is ready to return home, so he takes a speeder back to the coven despite Sol and Indara’s yells, hoping to find proof that Mae and Osha are indeed vergence in the Force.

Back at the coven, we see the same scenes unfold, with Osha informing Mother Aniseya that she wishes to become a Jedi. Mother Koril radicalizes Mae with her anger, hoping she will be enough to stop the Jedi from taking Osha. The coven discusses with Mother Anisiya that they do not wish for Osha to go, but she informs them it is Osha’s decision and no one else's. We see Mae start the fire once again.

Sol immediately follows Torbin and the two of them confront the entirety of the Force Coven before Indara and Kelnacca arrive, attempting to save the girls from their Ascension ceremony. The Coven attempts to prepare for combat as they too confront Sol and Torbin. Mother Aniseya references her distaste for the Jedi Way to Sol and suddenly Mae arrives, begging her mother for help with the spreading fire as the Coven and Jedi prepare for battle. Torbin withdraws his lightsaber and Mother Aniseya screams “No” and melts into smoke as Sol withdraws his lightsaber, killing her. Her last words to Sol is that she was going to let Osha go.

Kelnacca arrives, but the witches inhibit him, using him to attack both Sol and Torbin only for Indarra to overpower them, releasing Kelnacca. The witches are all attempting to cast some sort of spell, likely for possessing the Wookie, but they fail, ultimately falling dead from the power. The fire rages on and Mae and Osha are separated from the same burning bridge, choosing to save Osha over Mae, as he only has the power to save one. Sol takes Mae and the team return to Coruscant. Indara decides to blame the entire incident on Mae and she does not inform the council of the true happenings on Brendock so that Sol can train Osha as his Padawan.

‘The Acolyte’ Episode 7 Recap: “The Acolyte

The episode begins with Osha inside Qimirs cave, with Osha still meditating inside Qimir’s Sith helmet. When Osha begins to panic within the mask, Qimir attempts to use the Force to remove the helmet, but his eyes turn black, as if he has become possessed. He removes the helmet, but not without a struggle. Osha informs Qimir that she saw a vision of Mae murdering Sol without a weapon and though she had a lightsaber in hand, she did not use it. Qimir informs Osha of his similar vision, with Osha remarking that the future is not fixed and that she will change it. Qimir is ready to track Sol and Mae, telling Osha that he knows where they are and the two board his ship.

Meanwhile Sol has set course for Brendok, with Mae still bound on the medbay bed. Sol informs Mae that he will contact Vernestra to meet him on Brendok, along with a group of Jedi soldiers. Mae questions Sol about this, with Sol informing her of a vergence on the planet, planning to use both Osha and Mae to prove for once and for all an existence of a vergence on Brendock. Mae activates Pip, now hacked, to attempt to escape.

Mae confronts Sol about her mothers murder, with Sol admitting it was an accident. Mae asks why Sol didn’t tell Osha of the truth and questions his decision to blame Mae for the tragic events. Sol still blames Mae for the fire, telling her she still trapped everyone within the fortress. Mae counters his point, blaming him and the other Jedi for invading their home, blaming the four Jedi for the death of the coven. With this, Mae uses Pip to unlock her restraints. Sol defends the Jedi’s rights to intervene, admitting to Mae that his biggest regret was that he couldn’t save both girls. He informs Mae that she and Oshs are not twins or even sisters, but Mae manages to subdue Soll with Pip’s stun gun.

Mae flees, escaping in an escape pod with Bazil on her heel, heads for Brendok. Sol pursues Mae through an asteroid belt, trying to close in on Mae’s ship until Bazil rips out several wires within the cockpit, causing Sol and Mae’s ship to collide, leaving both ships hurtling toward Brendok’s atmosphere.

Back at Coruscant in the Jedi Temple, Master Rwoh meets with Sentaro Rayencourt. He informs Vernestra that he has heard of their murder investigation and questions her decision to not report this to the Senate. She explains the need to keep it internal, exposing that she does not believe there is a larger threat to the Senate, only to the Jedi and that they are close to apprehending the suspect in question.

Rayencourt informs Vernestra that the Jedi are a system of unchecked power, only posing as a religion. He informs her that he believes that the Jedi are cultists of delusion who only claim to control the uncontrollable. Vernestra counters, saying they do not control the Force, but Rayencourt refers to their emotions, not their magic. Rwoh retaliates, saying that his opinion is not one shared by the rest of the Senate. Rayencourt warns her that he has reported her lack of transparency to Supreme Chancellor Drellik.

Osha and Qimir cross the causeway to the starship, with Qimir questioning Osha’s unwillingness to share her ultimate destination. Qimir asks Osha to be his Padawan, but she declines. After their starship departs, a cloaked figure, with glowing orange eyes watches on. This is suspected to be Darth Plagueis, Palpatine’s Master referenced in Revenge of the Sith.

Meanwhile, Sol has arrived on Brendok and activates his transponder switch. He leaves, while Bazil watches from the cockpit. Back at the Jedi Council, Vernestra uses a transmitter, telling them she needs to get in touch with them, urgently. A Jedi arrives to inform her that they have tracked Sol to Brendok. She prepares her starship for departure, speaking to a resolution. Mae and Qimirr also land on Brendok close to the coven’s former fortress with Osha informing Qimir that Sol has already arrived.

Sol spots Mae and Qimir’s ship and walks through the abandoned fortress, haunted by the memories of his sixteen year old trauma. Osha and Qimir reach the fortress, with Osha proposing repairing the elevator instead of climbing. Qimirr disappears. Suddenly, Mae appears, climbing out of the pit with Pip, visiting her and Osha’s old bedroom. Back at the elevator base, Osha hotwires the elevator, restoring it.

Sol is confronted by Qimir and the two engage in combat. Mae and Osha meet in their childhood bedroom and the two attempt to reason with one another, but the two break out in hand to hand combat. Mae informs Osha that she witnessed Sol killing their mother. She accuses Sol of lying to Osha since she left their home. Mae asserts that Sol is responsible for Osha's negative emotions. With nervousness in her voice, Mae approaches Osha, emphasizing that Sol is the one who failed, not Osha. Mae retreats.

As Sol and Qimir duel, the two are evenly matched until Sol breaks the deadlock by deactivating his lightsaber and breaking free. Mae interrupts Sol and manages to steal his lightsaber. Qimir urges Mae to strike Sol down, but Mae argues he should stand trial. Sol reveals that she and Osha are not twins but rather the same individual. Sol theorizes that Mother Aniseya, utilizing the vergence on Brendok, harnessed the power of the Force to create life. Specifically, Sol believes that Aniseya used this ability to bring forth both Mae and Osha into existence through her manipulation of the Force. While Sol speaks, Osha arrives, stealing Sol’s lightsaber.

Sol reveals the entire truth to Osha, revealing how her mother died and the circumstances surrounding their initial meeting. This angers Osha, upset by Sol’s manipulation. Osha angrily kills Sol using the Force, corrupting the kyber crystal in his lightsaber which bleeds, turning from blue to red, showcasing Osha’s final descent to the Dark Side.

She and Mae escape before Vernestra arrives with a group of Jedi and locates Sol’s body. When landing, Verenestra senses Qimir, as it is revealed the two somehow know each other. Osha and Mae finally reconcile, and Osha finally agrees to train with Qimir. He wipes Mae’s memory. Back on Coruscant, the Senate has grown weary of the Jedi and launches into an investigation. It is here that Vernestra blames the events on Brendok on Sol, as well as the murders of Indara, Torbin, and Kelnacca. We learn that Qimir was once her apprentice, as she reveals to Mae. As the series ends, Vernestra reports to Jedi Master Yoda.

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A Recap of ‘The Acolyte’ Episodes 3 & 4

Written by Michael Lee

*All Media used in this article is courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd. & Disney

Video Featurette: Sol Of The Jedi / Bug / Dated - Video Courtesy: Walt Disney Pictures

‘The Acolyte’ Episode 3 Recap: “Destiny

The episode begins with a flashback to Mae and Osha’s childhood on their home planet of Brendok. Mae plays dutifully with a butterfly creature and uses the Force to sit and study the insect, carefully and empathetically. Mae approaches Osha and proceeds to Force hold the insect too, but in a way that is seemingly full of malice. The two bicker with each other over the treatment of the insect and the oncoming The Ascension, a ceremony that the two of them are set to undertake.

The two begin their walk back home in tandem, citing their twin mantras with each other in harmony, cementing the two’s very sacred bond. A Zabrakian witch mother, called Mother Koril, reprimands the two for wandering outside of their fortress walls and brings them back to their grounds. The two ask Mother Koril for spice creams, which she refuses, only for Mother Aniseya to interject, allowing the twins to have their dessert. The two run to Aniseya and call her ‘mama’ in an embrace. She demands the twins to meet her in the common room for their training session.

When Aniseya and Koril are alone, Aniesaya asks Koril if there have been any sightings of the Jedi, who have seemingly occupied their planet for reasons they do not understand. Aniesya promises this is a safe place for their coven while Koril reprimands Aniseya for her lax treatment of the twins.

At their joint training session, Aniseya teaches Osha and Mae about ‘The Thread’ that binds all living things. Some call it The Force and claim to use it, but Aniseya advises ‘The Thread’ is not something to be wielded, that it ties you to your destiny and binds you to others. The power of “One” she demonstrates, is weaker to the power of “Two”, which is weaker to the power of “Many”, which they will learn at tonight’s ceremony. Mae and Osha begin to argue and Aniseya uses this as a teaching moment in which they attempt to block her power. Mae succeeds, but Osha does not.

In their room, Osha is troubled by the ceremony happening later tonight. She refuses to do the Ascension, to which Mae replies “that’s how we become witches” to which Osha refutes. She does not want to be a witch. Aniseya claims ‘The Thread’ tied them together before they were born, encouraging the two to share in the love of their bond. Aniseya says the Ascension is about walking through fear and sacrificing a part of yourself to the will of the “Many”. Aniseya says the galaxy is unkind to female witches like themselves, urging them to stay special. The episode quickly cuts to a cult of cloaked witches, seemingly praying or practicing over a large sacred portal of some kind.

Osha and Mae are preparing for the ceremony and begin in another argument, which Osha argues they are not the same and that they need ‘their own things’, rather than their apparently sacred duality. Osha wonders what could lay outside of the coven, to which Mae does not understand.

We see the coven of witches gathered for the Ascension ceremony, chanting and singing while the group wave their hands in careful paces as if to summon or perform some kind of Force magic. Aniseya informs the group that this is the first Ascension since their exile. They have been hunted, persecuted and forced into hiding because most consider their power to be dark and unnatural. They have been blessed with a miracle, a gift of life in the form of Mae and Osha, who form some kind of symbiotic dyad with one another. The twins take the center while the witches begin chanting again, summoning something. Aniseya asks Mae if she takes the vow to become a witch and protect the coven of their legacy. Mae agrees and Aniseya summons some kind of magic into Mae, asking her to ascend. She asks the same of Osha, to which Osha agrees. However, Mae spots the Jedi approaching and Aniseya asks Koril to hide the twins.

The Jedi introduce themselves; Idara, Sol, Kelnacca, and her padawan Torbin. The Jedi thought the planet to be uninhibited and Aniseya claims this as a lie. The Jedi say they mean peace, yet Aniseya disagrees. Master Indara is concerned that the coven is training children and this is against Republic law, but Aniseya makes it very clear that her coven does not operate within the Republic.

Osha is impressed with the Jedi and how they carry themselves, but Mae is not impressed. The Jedi call for Mae and Osha to make themselves known and Osha steps forward, but Mae is reluctant. Indara asks who their father is and Aniseya says they do not have a father. This is reminiscent of Anakin Skywalker, who also was conceived by Shmi Skywalker without a father.

The Jedi assert their right to test them for potential Padawans. Aniseya reluctantly agrees to this. The coven deliberates while we learn that Koril physically carried the twins, but Aniseya created them for reasons unknown. Aniseya asks the children to fail the test while Mae and Osha debate if the Jedi are good or bad. Aniseya says there is no good or bad but power and who is allowed to use it.

Mae does fail the test upon her mother’s orders, but Osha denies her mother and passes the test, telling the coven that she wishes to become a Jedi instead. Mae becomes angry and locks Osha inside of her room and burns her diary as the fire begins to spread rapidly. The whole conclave becomes engulfed in flames and Sol helps Osha get away to safety. Sol seemingly sees Mae die and the camera pans to a pile of dead witches, not burned nor around any discernible fire. The Jedi take Osha to Coruscant and Sol tells Osha she will be his Padawan. On Brandok, it is revealed that Mae survived and begins her search for her sister.

‘The Acolyte’ Episode 4 Recap: “Day

The episode begins on the plane Khofar where the Jedi Master Kelnacca has made his home, seemingly in exile. Kelnacca is the second last of the Jedi that Mae wishes to eliminate, with the final one being Sol, Osha’s former master. Her masked, Sith-like advisor has instructed Mae to kill Kelnacca without a weapon and Mae agrees, though does not know how this is to be done.

We then see Kelnacca cooking and engaging in simple and mundane household chores, but the camera pans to a symbol of sorts decorated within Kelnacca’s establishment, with mysterious, eerie music playing. The scene quickly cuts to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where we see Jecki Lon being trained in lightsaber combat from an unknown Jedi Master. Osha appears and wishes Jecki a goodbye, thanking her for her help in finding her sister Mae. It is obvious the two have grown very close, and Jecki is able to read Osha, telling her she can sense how much she still cares for her sister.

Mae and Qimir have landed on Khofar in order to seek Kelnacca in the lush, densely populated forest. The two talk about their shared Master, both who are attempting to decipher their Master and his intentions and the mission that he’s given Mae.

The Jedi convene and discuss the attempt to apprehend Mae as well as her supposed Jedi abilities. They recognize that Mae has been trained by a Jedi but that she does not know her Master, which the Jedi are confused by. They do not know how Mae was trained in their ways without their knowledge and attempt to configure Mae’s true power, as she has killed two Jedi and bested the rest.

The Jedi believe that someone has splintered from the Jedi Order. Ki-Adi-Mundi, a Jedi Master that will eventually sit upon the Jedi Council alongside Anakin Skywalker, remarks that they must bring it to the High Council, to which Vernestra Rwoh shuts down, claiming the council will only inform the Senate, which she does not want, as it could inspire a conspiracy of fear and mistrust of the Jedi. She orders for a group to be sent to apprehend Mae before she attempts to murder Kelnacca.

Sol and Vernesta discuss Mae and Sol’s past, with Vernestra asking Sol how he didn’t realize that Mae survived that night. Sol claims he watched Mae fall and that no one could have survived it. Sol and Vernestra devise a plan to apprehend Mae using Osha as bait, to which the two agree this is the most appropriate form of action. Sol then manages to catch Osha before Osha departs. Sol informs Osha of the plan, and Osha assumes they need her to get to Mae. Osha agrees, but reluctantly.

Mae and Qimir are making their trek deeper within the forest of Khofar, with Qimir inquisitive with how Mae will kill a Jedi without a weapon and the two discuss her other failed attempts. Mae asks Qimir what he knows of their shared Master and if Qimir has ever seen their Master’s face, to which Qimir responds with a resounding “no’. Mae then reminisces about her recent reunion with Osha, unable to believe that Osha is collaborating with Jedi scum.

With the Jedi team assembled, they discuss their plans to capture Mae. The group includes Sol, Jecki, and Yord. Eventually, the group lands in Khofar and asks a local alien where Kelnacca might be. They then use a Tynnan tracker named Bazil to begin searching for Kelnacca by following his scent. Yord and Osha discuss their shared history and Mae’s apparent power, with Yord speaking condescendingly to Osha as he is apparently concerned with her safety. Osha informs Yord that if things go awry, she needs Yord to apprehend Mae, as she cannot do it. Yord informs Osha that maybe Sol brought her to Khofar to face Mae, or even, herself.

The Jedi convoy makes their way further into the forest with Osha and Bazil and find themselves within a nest of eggs of some kind of creature. Bazil informs the group that something here is wrong and the Jedi debate their fate, uncertain of what the forest contains. Osha touches one of the eggs and as she walks away, the egg begins to move, revealing them instead to be winged insects hibernating. One of the insects rises up and attacks the group, but Sol withdraws his lightsaber, killing it. The group figures out the creatures are attracted to light. This is where Osha believes she is reconnecting with The Force, as she was able to sense the creature. Jecki and Osha talk about Osha’s past and her history and trauma with The Force.\

Mae and Qimir stop to rest and Mae begins to feel that her mission to kill a Jedi without a weapon is impossible and no longer relevant to her now that she finally knows Osha is alive. The two talk about Mae’s mission to kill the Jedi and the mystery of their shared Master, with Mae entirely uncertain what to do or who to trust. Mae eventually captures Qimir in a trap by screaming falsely, luring Qimir into an elaborate rope trap. Mae informs him of her plan; to turn herself into Kelnacca, planning to reconnect with Osha and tell the Jedi what she knows about her supposed Master. Qimir says that their Master will kill her, which Mae scoffs at.

Mae makes her way to Kelnacca, only for her to find that he has already been murdered by lightsaber. The Jedi arrive and surround Mae, ordering her to surrender to the Republic for her crimes against the Jedi Council. Before Mae can do so, her Master appears behind the Jedi, activating their red lightsaber in front of Osha, as if to kill her. The Jedi withdraw their lightsabers to fight, but the Master swiftly Force pushes Osha away and then the entire group of Jedi, with one swift movement as the screen fades to black.

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