Official Trailer, Plot Synopsis, Film Clips, and Photos from The Movie ‘Last Breath’
Plot Synopsis written by Michael Lee
*All Media used in this article is courtesy of Focus Features
Photo Credit: Focus Features
Official Trailer: ‘Last Breath’ (2025)
Plot Synopsis
Photo Credit: Focus Features
We first meet three members of a team of saturation divers who maintain the undersea gas lines in the North Sea. The team consists of David Yuasa, Chris Lemons, and Duncan Alcock. While on rotation, the divers live aboard a vessel with pressurized chambers that actually simulate conditions similar to those found three hundred feet below sea level, which is usually the depth the divers work under. They are transported to this vessel by a specialized bell, which is lowered to the depth of the ship, which allows the divers to remain at that pressure for the entirety of their four week shift.
Film Clip from the movie ‘Last Breath’: “Warning” | Video Credit: Focus Features
During one deployment, Chris and David exit the transport to maintain an undersea gas line manifold, all while Duncan remains stationed to monitor their status, as well as distributing umbilical lines that supply them with oxygen, power, and communication with the mainframe.
Film Clip from the movie ‘Last Breath’: “Get Into The Manifold” | Video Credit: Focus Features
Chris and David head to the manifold as they prepare for work, but up on the surface, their particular vessel's DPS, or Dynamic Positioning System, experiences a terrible malfunction, which causes the ship to drift away, taking the bell, along with Duncan, inside. While Chris and David are scrambling to climb atop the manifold to remain unobstructed, the two are pulled along with the ship itself.
David manages to climb the manifold, but Chris’s umbilical has no remaining slack, which causes the line to become entangled within the structure of the manifold. David, suddenly realizing Chris’s umbilical is close to snapping, tells him to switch to his bailout airline, which will provide Chris with only ten minutes of oxygen.
Woody Harrelson stars as Duncan Allcock in ‘Last Breath’ • Photo Credit: Focus Features
He tells Chris that he plans to come back for him, but to head to the top of the manifold so he can better locate him later. The umbilical finally snaps, which leaves Chris stranded with no free oxygen or means to communicate. David is then dragged further and further away by the bell, still attached to the ship with Dunan inside.
Simu Liu stars as Dave Yuasa in ‘Last Breath’ • Photo Credit: Focus Features
Later, the ship's crew in the wheelhouse are busy brainstorming solutions to the malfunctioning DPS. The main issue is their proximity to gas lines, which prevents them from dropping anchor, as this could cause a significant environmental disaster. The captain and another crew member then take control of the ship's thrusters to maintain their position near the work site, hoping to keep steady. Meanwhile, a third crew member worked to bypass the DPS reboot process to regain control of the ship's positioning.
Simu Liu stars as Dave Yuasa in ‘Last Breath’ • Photo Credit: Focus Features
David finally makes it back to the bell and reconvenes with Allcock. In the wheelhouse, another crew member manages to find Chris with an ROUV (Remote operated underwater vehicle) The crew member is able to ascertain that Chris is indeed alive, but he shows severe symptoms of oxygen deprivation and has fallen unconscious. He attempts to rescue Chris within the ROUV, but is thwarted when he realizes he is unable to lift him, as Chris has fastened himself to the manifold, in order to avoid being lifted off of it by the tide.
Finn Cole stars as Chris Lemons in ‘Last Breath’ • Photo Credit: Focus Features
Finally, the DPS is rebooted, and the crew quickly make their way back to the worksite. David leaves the bell and rescues Chris, who had previously run out of oxygen twenty-nine minutes ago. Duncan gives Chris CPR which works and Chris begins breathing again.
Actors Simu Liu, Woody Harrelson and Finn Cole with director Alex Parkinson on the set of the film ‘Last Breath’ • Photo Credit: Focus Features
Both David and Dunan had attempted to communicate with Chris after he reentered the bell, but he was completely unresponsive and appeared to have suffered severe brain damage given his prolonged lack of oxygen. Chris finally begins to speak just as David and Duncanwere beginning to accept that they were too late. The bell is then returned to the ship.
(l-r.) Finn Cole stars as Chris Lemons, Woody Harrelson as Duncan Allcock and Simu Liu as Dave Yuasa • Photo Credit: Focus Features
Later, the final rotation is finally aborted and Chris is now recuperating in the saturation chamber during their long voyage home. When they dock, Chris wishes Duncan and David well as he makes his journey back home, eager to tell his fiance of what happened and who saved his life. In the film's final moments, we learn that Chris actually returned to work on the job he started only three weeks later, as he suffered no mental or physical impairment from his severe lack of oxygen, walking away a very lucky man.